179 research outputs found

    Energy Supply System for Industrial Poultry Houses

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    The gas engine driven carbon dioxide heat pump designed for providing the heat, cold and electricity for industrial poultry house is proposed. The scheme differs from the known by using recuperative heat exchanger installed between the exhaust air duct of poultry house and heat pump evaporator and the heat curtain installed on the air duct after the evaporator. The air coming into the poultry house after the regenerative heat exchanger is supplied to the heat pump gas cooler. The heat pump produces heat of the required parameters of the input air and water for watering of poultry, space heating, etc. Heat pump compressor is driven by gas engine (GPA), by natural gas or biogas. The part of the gas-piston engine heat is used for adjusting the optimal heat pump mode and for regeneration of the absorbent in an evaporative cooler. The proposed technical solution of the above scheme provides a higher COP of the heat pump. Installing of heat curtain does not require the use of non-freezing solution to prevent icing of the air outlet of heat pump evaporator. The latter allows producing, besides electric power and heat, still cold (with the use off the adsorption-refrigerating machine) and provide drying air inlet evaporative cooler (if necessary)

    The optical module of the Baikal deep underwater neutrino telescope

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    A deep underwater Cherenkov telescope has been operating since 1993 in stages of growing size at 1.1 km depth in Lake Baikal. The key component of the telescope is the Optical Module (OM) which houses the highly sensitive phototube QUASAR-370. We describe design and parameters of the QUASAR-370, the layout of the optical module, the front-end electronics and the calibration procedures, and present selected results from the five-year operation underwater. Also, future developments with respect to a telescope consisting from several thousand OMs are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 24 figure

    Registration of atmospheric neutrinos with the Baikal neutrino telescope

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    We present first neutrino induced events observed with a deep underwater neutrino telescope. Data from 70 days effective life time of the BAIKAL prototype telescope NT-96 have been analyzed with two different methods. With the standard track reconstruction method, 9 clear upward muon candidates have been identified, in good agreement with 8.7 events expected from Monte Carlo calculations for atmospheric neutrinos. The second analysis is tailored to muons coming from close to the opposite zenith. It yields 4 events, compared to 3.5 from Monte Carlo expectations. From this we derive a 90 % upper flux limit of 1.1 * 10^-13 cm^-2 sec^-1 for muons in excess of those expected from atmospheric neutrinos with zenith angle > 150 degrees and energy > 10GeV.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure


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    Background: Ethnic diversity of the population in the region of Siberia suggests the existence of different germline mutations in the BRCA1/2 genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer in different ethnic populations, but spectrum of these mutations has not been studied. Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the frequency of the most common mutations BRCA1 / 2 (BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 4153delAG, BRCA1 T300G, BRCA2 6174delT) in women diagnosed with breast cancer among indigenous people and newcomers living in Siberia. Methods: We tested 1281 genomic DNA samples for the presence of BRCA1 5382insC mutation in patients diagnosed with breast cancer considering no family history. 72 patients having hereditary cancer signs were tested for the mutations BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 4153delAG, BRCA1 T300G, BRCA2 6174delT. Results: Out of 765 patients of Slavic ethnic group, 27 women (3.5%) were carriers of allele BRCA1 5382insC. The frequencies of mutations in patients with signs of hereditary cancer were: 8.3% in group of young patients (under 40 years), 20.0% in patients with bilateral cancer and 5.7% in patients with family history of breast or ovarian cancers. We tested 516 BC patients residing on the territory of the Buryat-Aginsky district, Republics of Tyva and Altai. Out of them, there were 197 patients among the indigenous population (buryats, tuvinians, altaians), and 319 patients among newcomers (Slavic ethnics). Mutations BRCA1 5382insC were detected only in women from Slavic ethnic groups. The frequency of BRCA1 5382insC mutation was 6% in the group where family history was excluded and 14% in the group of patients with characteristics of family cancer. Allele BRCA1 5382insC was not found in indigenous breast cancer patients, although 59 patients had signs of hereditary cancer. In women from Slavic ethnic group, the BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 4153delAG and BRCA1 T300G mutations were detected in 9.1% of cases and were not found in patients among the indigenous population. Conclusion: studies of mutations in the BRCA1 gene in breast cancer patients from Siberia confirmed data on the high frequency of «founder mutation» BRCA1 5382insC in Slavic population and indicate the advisability of further studies to identify the genes responsible for the occurrence of hereditary breast cancer in the indigenous population. Обоснование: этническая разнородность населения Сибири предполагает наличие разных наследственных мутаций в генах BRCA1/2, ассоциированных с раком молочной железы (РМЖ) и раком яичников в различных популяциях, спектр которых не изучен. Цель исследования: оценить частоту встречаемости наиболее распространенных в РФ мутаций BRCA1/2 (BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 4153delAG, BRCA1 T300G, BRCA2 6174delT) у представительниц коренного и пришлого населения Сибири. Методы: протестирован 1281 образец геномной ДНК на наличие распространенных мутаций у больных с диагнозом РМЖ. Результаты: из 765 больных РМЖ славянской принадлежности 27 человек (3,5%) были носителями аллеля BRCA1 5382insC. Частота мутации у пациенток с признаками наследственного рака составила: у молодых пациенток до 40 лет — 8,3%, у пациенток с билатеральным раком — 20,0%, при отягощенном семейном анамнезе — 5,7%. На наличие мутации BRCA15382insC протестировано 516 больных РМЖ из Агинского бурятского автономного округа, республик Тыва и Алтай, из них 319 женщин пришлого населения (славянки) и 197 представительниц коренного населения (бурятки, тувинки, алтайки). Мутации обнаружены только у славянок, частота без учета семейного анамнеза составила 6%, с учетом признаков семейного рака — около 14%. У больных РМЖ коренного населения мутация не обнаружена, хотя 59 пациенток имеют признаки наследственного рака. Мутации BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 4153delAG и BRCA1 T300G выявлены у славянок в 6,7% случаев и не выявлены у представительниц коренного населения. Заключение: получены данные о высокой частоте встречаемости «мутации-основателя» 5382insC у больных РМЖ славянской популяции и отсутствии «славянских» мутаций у больных РМЖ женщин монголоидного происхождения. Актуальны исследования по выявлению генов наследственного рака молочной железы у представительниц коренного населения.

    The Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Experiment: Results, Status, Future

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    We review the present status of the Baikal Underwater Neutrino Experiment and present results obtained with the various stages of the stepwise increasing detector: NT-36 (1993-95), NT-72 (1995-96) and NT-96 (1996-97). Results cover atmospheric muons, first clear neutrino events, search for neutrinos from WIMP annihilation in the center of the Earth, search for magnetic monopoles, and -- far from astroparticle physics -- limnology.Comment: Talk given at the Int. School on Nuclear Physics, Erice, Sept.199